Total amount due: Determine the total amount owed, including any applicable taxes or fees.Cost breakdown : List the costs of supplies, labor, and any other expenses incurred in the course of completing the project.

Construction invoice template excel free full#
Work description: A full explanation of the work you did, including the total amount of materials used, the hourly labor rate, and the number of hours worked.Invoice number and date: Include a unique invoice number as well as the date the invoice was issued.Client information: Provide the client’s name and contact information.Contractor information: This includes your name or the name of your company, address, phone number, email address, and any other important contact information.The following information should be included on a contractor invoice: Keep accurate records of all invoices, payments, and receipts for tax purposes, as well as to ensure timely payment for your job. The invoice can be sent through email, mail, or in person. Examine and send the invoice : Before submitting the invoice to the client, double-check that it’s accurate.Include payment terms : Set the payment conditions, including the due date, payment methods allowed, and any late fees.Make a note of any relevant fees or taxes. Calculate the total : To calculate the total amount owed, add the costs of supplies and labor.Include the date of completion, the amount and cost of supplies used, the labor rate, and the number of hours worked. Create a work description : Provide an extensive description of the work done in the body of the invoice.Add the following client information : Include the name, address, phone number, and email address of the client.Make a header : Include your company’s name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the invoice.Follow these steps to write a construction invoice: